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Protein Power! module

Protein Power



This module contains sufficient materials for the analysis of 96 protein samples.

•8 pieces of carbon fibre electrode tissue
•6 g high-grade agarose, suitable for electrophoresis of proteins
•50 mL TB electrophoresis buffer (a 10x concentrate)
•50 mL Laemmli buffer
•2 x 100 mL Colloidal Coomassie Blue stain
•100 multi-coloured 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes
•100 micropipette tips
•8 1 mL plastic syringes
•3 mL SDS solution (10%)
•Approx. 100 mm 5 mm dia. silicone rubber tubing
•8 full-colour students’ guides
•1 full-colour teacher’s guide

You will also need several other items to use this module. Please refer to the NCBE web site link below:


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