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Lambda protocol module

Lambda Protocol Module



The module contains materials for two complete ‘runs’ of the lambda protocol, each with eight students or working groups.

•2 foam floaters
•8 sheets of carbon fibre electrode material, each 10 cm x 10 cm
•300 white pipette tips, graduated at 2 and 10 µL
•8 x 1.5 mL bromophenol blue loading dye
•16 empty tubes + caps (yellow)
•16 tubes of dried lambda DNA + caps
•16 tubes of dried EcoRI restriction enzyme (red)
•16 tubes of dried BamHI restriction enzyme (blue)
•16 tubes of dried HindIII restriction enzyme (green)
•50 mL TBE buffer (10x concentrate)
•50 mL Azure A stain for DNA (2x concentrate)
•2 g DNA electrophoresis-grade agarose
•8 copies of the 8-page Student’s guide (full colour)
•1 Teacher's guide

You will also need several other items to use this module. Please refer to the NCBE web site link below:


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